Summer News

We are at the half way mark for our summer fun!  So far we have learned about insects, dinosaurs, construction, and we took a field trip to Living Treasures for Zoo Week.  Thanks to Mr. Bill Kendall for being our Bus Driver!! This week we celebrated Patriotic Week by having our annual bicycle parade on […]

God’s promise and protection

This rainbow appeared over Mt. Pleasant on a morning of a day that was filled with many challenges.  How appropriate that every challenge was met and looking back, we could definitely see His hand in all that occured.  God Is Good!

Spring is here!

Wow!  So much has been happening since our last post.  Christmas, we began a new year and now we are getting close to Easter.  We have had so many parties and field trips.  We hatched some chicks in the office.  Please stop and see them sometime this week.  Here are the events we are looking […]

Honduras Update

Our brothers and sisters are working diligently on the new church in Guayabal.  We have sent the money need to complete this building, and Pastor Omar updated us with the progress.  The main building is completed.  The doors and the shutters are being constructed now. .  

Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Box

Thank you to all who participated in Operation  Christmas Box.  Between Mt. Pleasant Child Care and congregation, we sent off seventy five boxes this morning.