Sweetheart Dinner

The Sweetheart Dinner is returning to Mt. Pleasant this year.  Bring your sweetheart for dinner and fellowship on Saturday, February 8th at 4:30.  Dinner will include an entree choice of Chicken Parmigiana and Spaghetti or Lasagne, vegetable, salad, bread, drink and dessert.  The cost is $30 per couple or $15 for singles.  Child care will […]

Jr. High Youth Group-Soup and Chili Sale

The Jr. High Youth Group will be selling Soup and Chili on Sunday, January 19 during the Sunday School hour (10 am to 11 am).


Crusaders will run in 2014 from February 6 through April 24.  This is a program for children ages 4 through 4th grade.  Crusaders meets every Thursday from 4:45 pm to 7 pm.  The children enjoy Bible lessons, crafts, games and dinner is also provided.  Adult volunteers are needed.  If you can help in any way, […]

Schedule Your Pictorial Church Directory Portrait Session

Mt. Pleasant is in need of an updated pictorial church directory.  An updated directory will help all of us put a name to a familiar face and unify our congregation.  The directory will have current addresses and telephone numbers for reference and better communication. We have partnered with Lifetouch Photography for the directory.  Every household […]

None Greater

The Book of Hebrews is a multi-faceted jewel looking at the glory and majesty of Christ and his work from many different angles. And from every angle it is clear: Christ is superior! There is none greater! Greater than the angels, greater than Moses, than Joshua, than the Tabernacle, the priesthood, and all else. And […]