Resources for Families in Pennsylvania on COVID-19

There are a lot of good resources within this link: General COVID-19 (Coronavirus) Information Talking to Children About Coronavirus and Supporting Them Finding Open Child Care for Life-Sustaining Positions Resources for Families Affected by Coronavirus I hope and pray you are all doing well. We sure do miss all of you! Miss Micki


I just want to update everyone about our current situation. Per OCDEL (Office of Child Development and Early learning) “On March 19, 2020 the Governor announced the Closure of All Businesses That Are Not Life-Sustaining. Child care is not considered life-sustaining in general and should therefore remain closed until such time as the Governor lifts […]

At Home Activities

Hi Parents and Families! I am praying that you are all doing well and coping with this situation the best you can. I miss all your smiling faces and the children’s hugs! We will get through this! These seem like some great activities to do with your children. Blessing, Miss Micki

Resources and Activities for your Child

Here are some resources and activities that might be useful for your you and your children. Blessings, Miss Micki MPC Preschool Remote Learning March 2020- C. Genes.pdf churches

Important Announcement!

We are regretfully making this announcement to inform you that in compliance to Governor Wolfe’s order, we will be closing our doors for at least two weeks.  Our plan is to reopen on March 31st.  Please know that we realize that this will cause a hardship for many of you, but we need to keep […]