Mt. Pleasant has also remained focused upon the second great (in no particular order as I’ve presented them in my previous post) key tenet of evangelical Christianity, the Atoning Work of Jesus Christ. The Cross of Christ is everything. The crucifixion is not simply an historical event from 2000(ish) years ago. It isn’t simply one […]
Kerux Christou, aka Herb's Blurbs
Kerux Christou is a phrase from New Testament Greek meaning “herald of Christ,” i.e., a preacher.
The Consistent Core: The Atoning Work of Jesus Christ
The Consistent Core: The Authority of Scripture
The B-I-B-L-E, yes that’s the book for me. I stand alone, on the Word of God, the B-I-B-L-E. Know that song? I learned it as a kid in Sunday School, or Bible School, or Church Camp, or somewhere in the redundant system of childhood theological education. It is not a complicated song. And it is […]
The Consistent Core
A few days ago I had coffee with Rob Philips and his son David. Rob was the pastor here at Mt. Pleasant from 1979-1992. We had a wonderful three hour conversation about all manner of things. We are different in some ways, he’s got 30 years on me, is an extreme extrovert (I’m definitely closer […]
The New Atheists
One of the great universals of humankind is a sense of the transcendent. Nearly all people who have ever lived everywhere on the earth have had a sense that there is a God who exists “up there” in one form or another. The world religions of our day testify to this great human sense of […]
Of Course God exists…
Not many Protestants ever read much of the writings of St. Thomas Aquinas. This is hardly surprising given that he is a thirteenth century figure, beloved by Roman Catholics as the Great Doctor of the Church (in the classic sense of the word – teacher). Thomas believed a lot of things that your average Protestant […]