The purpose of youth group is to give the kids an opportunity to apply what they have learned in Sunday School and church and to further develop Christian friendships/relationships. Junior High Youth Group is for any student currently in fifth through eighth grades. Youth Group meets Sunday evenings from 5 to 7 p.m. Youth Group is organized to include the following: dinner, activity/game, praise music, Bible lesson, and prayer. A solid program should include the following: service project, mission trip/project, monthly activity outside the meeting time, one or two retreats a year, and parent involvement.
We raise money to help defray the costs of activities, retreats, and a mission trip by serving several luncheons throughout the year where donations are accepted. We have a partnership with Washington City Mission, Washington, Pennsylvania, where we complete a volunteer project on-site, participate in their Hearts of Hope Fundraiser, and purchase much-needed medical supplies for their health office. We have activities outside the regular meeting time for fun and fellowship (bowling, skating, golfing, swimming, etc.). We go on a mission trip for three or four days in the summer to reach out to others in need. We are slowly incorporating retreats into our programming.