Fall Fun and Activities

We are well into our new school year and so far we are learning a lot and having so much fun!  If you have had a chance to see our playground, you will have noticed our addition of a big blue helicopter.  This purchase was made possible by your participation in our fundraisers.  The helicopter takes the place of our ship. It was sad to see it go, but it served us well for many years.  We appreciate your participation in our candle and candy sales!  And so do the children!

The children are settling in to their new classrooms and getting to know their teachers.  In September, we had a Luau Party, had a great time with our Grandparents,  and made Fall projects.  We learned about the letters L, F, E, and H.    In October, we had visits from the Ambulance, EMTs, and the Firefighters and fire truck.   Our Harvest Party was so much fun and the field trip to Yeck’s Farm was very well attended.  We LOVED having so many parents join us.  The letters we learned about in October were H, T and I.  November brought a PJ Party, and the letters D, B, and P.  We are looking forward to our Thanksgiving Day Feast on Tuesday.  We will be playing all sorts of games, dressing up like Pilgrims and Native Americans, and of course, eating a traditional Thanksgiving Day meal.  Please remember, we will be closed both Thanksgiving and the Friday after.  We wish all our families a blessed holiday.  Our candle fundraiser was a huge success.  Our profit was more than $2,000.  Thank you all!

In December, will be holding our Open House on Thursday, December 5th from 6:00 pm to 7:30 pm.  Come and meet the staff, learn about what the Mt. Pleasant Church has to offer people of all ages, have some refreshments and visit the book fair.  The Preschool and Pre K will be going on a field trip to the Vicary House on December 9th and 10th.  The permission slips will be in their mail boxes or cubbies.   In December we will also be learning  U, J, C and getting ready for Jesus’ Birthday.  His party will be held on December 20th.  Please note that we will be closing early on Christmas Eve.  Please pick up your child by 3:00 pm on that day, and please know that you are welcome to attend one of Mt. Pleasant’s Christmas Eve Candlelight Services.  There will be two services, one at 4:00 pm and one at 6:00 pm.  We will, of course, be closed on Christmas Day and New Year’s Day.

Any of you are welcome to join in on party days and field trips.  More hands make these events so much easier.  Just let us know, and we will put you to work!  We hope that we have been as much of a blessing to you and your families as you have been to us.  We love caring for your children, and look forward to seeing them each day.  Please do not hesitate to speak to any of the caregivers or office staff about any concerns you may have.  We really try to work with the families of our children to make this a wonderful experience for your child.