Important Announcement!

We are regretfully making this announcement to inform you that in compliance to Governor Wolfe’s order, we will be closing our doors for at least two weeks.  Our plan is to reopen on March 31st.  Please know that we realize that this will cause a hardship for many of you, but we need to keep your children, family and our staff safe.  If there are any changes, we will notify you by phone and on the website, as well as our Facebook page.

If you have a candy order, and have not turned it in, you may drop it off in the office on Wednesday, March 18th between the hours of 10 am – 4 pm.  Rosalind’s are still willing to deliver our order and you will be able to pick it up on March 31st.  Unfortunately, picture day will have to be rescheduled.  We will keep you as informed as we possibly can, given the fact that changes are happening daily and sometimes even hourly.

We pray that your families stay healthy and that we will be able to provide care for your child as soon as possible.


Miss Micki