Prayers for the Other Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church

Some confusion ensued today (Monday, May 24, 2021) when news was broadcast that Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Church in Beaver County had suddenly and catastrophically burned to the ground.  The reports were true, and though that is our name, it was not our church.  There are two Mt. Pleasant Presbyterian Churches in Beaver County – ours is located in Raccoon Township (in the southern half of the county); the one that was destroyed is in Darlington (in the northern half of the county).

Out and about at the time, I learned of the fire through the concerned text of a pastoral colleague – offering care and the use of worship space if needed.  My heart reached my feet for a few seconds when the possibility that it was our Mt. Pleasant lingered.  A quick phone call confirmed that all was well with our Mt. Pleasant.  But the number of calls, texts, and web searches throughout the afternoon convinced me that we should let folks know somehow that we are OK – hence this post.

But we do lift in prayer our northern brethren, and pray for the rich provision of our God’s care to the other Mt. Pleasant as they deal with this difficult and shocking news.  A news report of the fire is here.