Summer Sunday School Classes

Summer Sunday School Classes
June 2- September 1

Sunday School at Mt Pleasant includes offerings for the whole family from 9:00-9:50am every Sunday morning.

For Kids!

This Summer Pre-K though 8th grade will work through lessons from “Living God’s Way: How to Develop Right Attitudes” from Child Evangelism Fellowship.


*Nursery: available as needed

*Pre-K through grade 4: combined for Summer- Room 116

*Jr High Girls (Grades 5-8): Teacher Shirley Bruce- Room 114

*Jr High Boys (Grades 5-8): Teacher Mike Grosso- Room 123

Our Senior High Students are invited to join Pastor Rich’s class, “How Did We Get The Bible?” in Room 121.

Adults- Digging Deep!

“How Did We Get the Bible?” with Pastor Rich- Room 121

Union Gospel Press with Bill Enders- Gathering Room

“Just Do Something” Young Adult Class- Room 110