Learn the Rules of the Game

If you wanted to be a rock star in the 80’s, you had to have lots and lots of hair with serious  body to it (even for the fellas). You also needed to wear copious quantities of make-up.  Guitar solos were not optional.  We might ask, “Why?!?” But the only answer could be, “Because that’s […]

Books that Didn’t Make the Cut: The Gospel of Thomas

In Egypt in 1948 a remarkable discovery was made: a collection of ancient documents now known as the Nag Hammadi Library.  These writings were the work of a group of Christian heretics called the Gnostics.  Most of these documents date from the 2nd-4th centuries.  The best known of the Gnostic writings is The Gospel of […]

Be Ye Holy, A sermon series considering the Book of Leviticus

A sermon series on the book of Leviticus.  The first sermon can be found here. The central and defining attribute of our God is his holiness.  “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God Almighty!” the angels of heaven call to one another around the throne of God (Isaiah 6).  God is holy, but he also […]

Books that Didn’t Make the Cut: The Gnostic Gospels

Jesus didn’t really die on the cross.  He married Mary Magdalene, moved to France, and had several children.  All that claptrap about his identity as God’s incarnate Son, his sacrificial death and resurrection from the dead?  All propaganda foisted upon you by a deceptive church.  The real truth is to be found in the writings […]

Deliver Us From Evil

The seventh and final petition of the Lord’s Prayer (and the original concluding words of the prayer) are “but deliver us from evil.”  This petition stands in parallel to the preceding petition, “lead us not into temptation.”  Each helps interpret the other.  We are to live lives of continual vigilance, recognizing the ongoing danger of […]