Books that Didn’t Make the Cut: The Apostolic Fathers

We place a lot of emphasis on the importance of our Founding Fathers (or we did as a culture until quite recently in our history – dead white males of European descent are really passé these days). There are good reasons for this: these important men (no sexism intended, most of them did happen to […]

The Red Letters: The Words of Jesus or the Voice of Jesus?

In our last post, we took up the issue of Red Letter Bibles. In particular, we sought to demonstrate the problems that necessarily ensue when we seek to elevate the red letters of scripture above the black ones. This doesn’t square with scripture’s view of scripture; nor does it square with Jesus’ view of scripture. […]

The Problem(s) with Red Letter Christianity

As a Christian, I go in big for Jesus. Count me in the pro-Jesus camp. Among lots of other wonderful things we can say about Jesus: he’s a great teacher. He said some truly wonderful things. Things that should be believed and embraced. Teachings that should be followed. It would be an odd thing for […]

Do not “judge,” except for when you should

Matthew 7:1-2 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you. If there is one word that needs greater clarity and nuance in our day it is the word “judge.” […]

Worship Wars: Terms of Peace

We’ve considered the tragic nature of the worship wars. We’ve examined this issue from the vantage point of scripture. We’ve also carefully weighed the critiques of praise songs and hymns (and offered sound defense for both). One final post on this topic: Whether hymn or praise song, what makes a good one? If we shouldn’t […]