Mercy, Not Sacrifice. A Preaching Series on the Book of Amos

Amos isn’t a complicated man.  He is a shepherd and a caretaker of fig trees.  Yet when the call of God came, he became a spokesman for truth, confronting the selfishness and godlessness of his generation.  There are tremendous lessons here for ordinary saints who wonder whether God could use someone like me for his […]

Celebrating God’s Faithfulness

We were able to gather recently to celebrate the 25th anniversary of our current building.  It was great to gather and praise God, giving glory to him for the amazing things he’s done in our midst.  Included in that time was the opportunity to announce that our building is now paid off, thanks to the […]

Fight the Good Fight: 1 Timothy, A Preaching Series

Nothing could be more valuable to a young believer than to be mentored and discipled by an older and more mature one.  This is what the apostle Paul did for Timothy.  Paul loved and guided this young man, not only by seeing him come to faith, but by continuing to empower and encourage him with […]

Don’t Want to Hear It

“I hate him…he never prophesies anything good about me, but always bad.” 1 Kings 22:8 Those are words from a notoriously awful king of Israel, a fellow by the name of Ahab.  Ahab is famous for his opposition to Yahweh and to his prophets.  Elijah confronted Ahab and, at the command of the Lord brought […]

You are not your own; you were bought at a price. (1 Cor. 6:19-20)

“Remember who you are!”  That’s what Mufasa said to Simba in the Disney classic The Lion King.  Simba had forgotten his identity as king in the midst of his carefree Hakuna Matata lifestyle.  He needed to be regrounded and reoriented in his identity as the king. The most important thing in the world is knowing […]