Have a plan to Read the Bible in 2019?

Robert Murray M’Cheyne was a brilliant young Scottish pastor who died in 1843 at the age of 29.  One of the legacies of this remarkable servant of God was a Bible reading plan.  I’ve used a great many Bible reading plans over the course of my life, including a version of my own, but I […]

Good Tree, Good Fruit

A sermon series on the Fruit of the Spirit.  The first sermon can be found here. Fruit is good.  We all know from our education in nutrition – from the food pyramid to whatever it is that is used today – that we are supposed to eat fruit.  It produces health – “An apple a […]

Building Addition Progress

Our Hasten the Day campaign has led to this: construction on our 6,000 square foot addition is underway!  Much has already been done, and there is still much to do.  Work will continue throughout 2018.  Please keep our workers and this entire project in your ongoing prayers.  This addition will provide much needed classroom space, […]

Eyewitness Testimony of the Resurrection

One of the most important forms of testimony we have is that of an eyewitness.  If someone comes forward and says, “I saw Smith kill Jones!,” that stands as powerful testimony.  This is especially so if our witness is known to be generally trustworthy and careful about what he asserts, if his testimony is corroborated […]

What do you think about cremation?

A very common question.  I’m asked quite frequently whether it is OK to cremate.  This is a question of real moment and concern, especially to older people for whom death is (a more consciously imminent) looming reality. People are often quite torn up about this (though many have probably never even considered that it is […]