Resources and Activities for your Child

Here are some resources and activities that might be useful for your you and your children. Blessings, Miss Micki MPC Preschool Remote Learning March 2020- C. Genes.pdf churches

Important Announcement!

We are regretfully making this announcement to inform you that in compliance to Governor Wolfe’s order, we will be closing our doors for at least two weeks.  Our plan is to reopen on March 31st.  Please know that we realize that this will cause a hardship for many of you, but we need to keep […]

March Madness

We have so many happenings in March, so please refer to your newsletter to keep track of it all.  We held our PJ Party on March 4th and will be having a St. Patrick’s day party on the 17th.  Don’t forget to wear your green!  Our Easter candy orders are due on March 18th.  The […]

Fabulous February!

February brings with it the promise of Spring being “right around the corner” says Punxsutawney Phil!  We celebrated Monday the 3rd with a party!  We ate little ground hog treats, hid in a hole and played flashlight tag.  Our next party is happening on the 14th, when we will be celebrating Valentine’s day.  All parents […]

It’s a New Year!

We, the Mt. Pleasant staff, hope you all had wonderful Christmas and New Year celebrations!  We thank you for your thoughtful gifts.  As always, your generosity is unbelievable.  The party for Jesus’ birthday was so much fun.  We have some pictures to share with you.  Some of the children dressed in costume and posed in […]