Why Are Our Youth and Young Adults in a Mental Health Crisis?

In a recent article posted at the Institute for Family Studies, Jean Twenge, a psychology professor form San Diego State University, outlines an extremely troubling crisis: the mental health of our youth and young adults. Despite skepticism from many researchers, Twenge demonstrates convincingly (citing scores of studies) the skyrocketing rates of several mental health concerns.  […]

Living a Fresh Brewed Life

Join us for the 2019 Ladies Retreat at Das Dutch Haus, Columbiana Ohio The Retreat program will begin at 6 pm Friday evening. Guests spending the night can check in any time after 3 pm. Overnight guests also can enjoy a complimentary breakfast before Saturday’s events start at 9 am and closing at 1:30 pm. […]

Have a plan to Read the Bible in 2019?

Robert Murray M’Cheyne was a brilliant young Scottish pastor who died in 1843 at the age of 29.  One of the legacies of this remarkable servant of God was a Bible reading plan.  I’ve used a great many Bible reading plans over the course of my life, including a version of my own, but I […]

Christmas Toy Drive

We are partnering with Hopewell School District in a toy drive to help children and families in need this Christmas Season. There is a Christmas tree in the back of the sanctuary with 20 tags on it.  If you would like to participate, take a tag from the tree and then sign your name on […]

Yard Sale-November 10

The Mission Team will be sponsoring a yard sale on Saturday, November 10.  Doors open at 9 am and close at 1 pm.  Due to lack of storage space, donations, including baked goods, will be graciously accepted only on Friday, November 9, from 6:30 pm to 9 pm.  We are not able to accept electronics […]