Communicycle May 30-6 pm to 8 pm

The Communicycle Outreach Ministry parts trailer from Aliquippa will be coming again to Mt. Pleasant Church on Tuesday, May 30 from 6:00-8:00 pm.  The Jr./Sr. High Youth Group will be learning how to repair and tear down bicycles.  If you know of a child that needs their bike tuned up or repaired, please bring it to the […]

Announcement Error

There was an announcement in last week’s bulletin that Junior High Youth Group would be having a Yard Sale on June 23 and June 24.  Sorry, but at this time, there is not a Yard Sale scheduled for this year.  This event was also on the Church calendar and has been removed.

Summer Schedule starts this Sunday, May 28

Don’t forget this Sunday we will have Sunday School for both Adults and Children at 9 am.  Worship Service will start at 10 am.

May 21 Worship Service Schedule Change

This Sunday, May 21 is Little Star Sunday and the Worship Services will be at 9 am and 10:30 am.

2017 HS Graduates

We will recognize our 2017 Graduates on June 4 during our Worship Service at 10 am.  If you have a son or daughter graduating from high school this year, please call the church office at 724-495-6462 or email their name to [email protected] so they can be included.