Easter Schedule

MAUNDY THURSDAY – On 4-13 the service will be here at Mt. Pleasant at 7 pm. GOOD FRIDAY – On 4-14 the service will be held at New Salem Church, Salem Church Road, Ohioville at 7 pm. EASTER SUNDAY – Both the 8:30 and 11 am services will be held as usual. There will be refreshments […]

Making Space for God to Change You-Adult Sunday School Class

  Noise, schedules, trends, hurry, technology, stress.  Ever wonder how to move beyond the shallowness of societal tendencies which permeate our lives and distract us from our relationship with God?  Ever been at a point of spiritual exhaustion when you long for something fresh? Ever wonder how to invest in your own spiritual growth?  In […]

Crusader Reminders!

There will be no Crusaders on March 28 which is Maundy Thursday. The final meeting and the traditional weiner roast and sundae party will be on April 4.

Choices Baby Bottle Campaign

Please return your donations by February 17 to the designated container in the sanctuary or to the church office. Choices Pregnancy Services saw over 900 new or unique clients for various services last year. Of those 900, 685 came in for pregnancy testing, resulting in 291 positive tests! For 248 of those women with positive […]

Congregational Meeting

This year’s meeting is scheduled for February 24 after the 11 am service. Junior High Youth Group is sponsoring a Spaghetti Luncheon following the meeting. Please plan to attend!