Child Care Notes

This summer has been so much fun and full of things to do.  The school aged children were able to use their camp again this summer.  It’s always fun to explore the woods.  We had a play in the water day, had Bible School, and the Child Evangelism Fellowship of Beaver County came for a week.  We that now have a newer bus,  we were able to go to the movies last month and we will be going on a “End of Summer” field trip to Brady’s Run and to Bruster’s.  School begins soon for our older children, as does our PreK and PreSchool curriculum.  Classes here officially begin on Tuesday, September 5th.  We are sad to say goodbye to summer, but are excited for a new “school year”.

We are in the process of updating all the files this month, so if we have not asked you to look over your child’s information, please find a good time to do so.  It only takes a few minutes, and it is required by the state.  Also, please remember that we need an updated Child Health Assessment each time your child goes to his or her pediatrician for a well visit.

As some of you may know, we are participants in the Pennsylvania Keystone Stars.  Our staff is currently working on rising to a Star Two facility.  This entails, among other things, acquiring more continuing education hours.  We do this to provide your children the best care available.