Food Pantry/Little Needs Donations Needed

Our inside Food Bank and “Little Needs Pantry” at Mt. Pleasant is working well but now needs replenished. Below are some suggested items that are in popular demand, but all donations are welcome. All food items must be factory sealed and please no outdated items! Please place your donations in the wooden box in the […]

VBS Decoration Making May 19

Mt Pleasant Church Family! Reminder there will be a VBS decoration making session on Saturday, May 19 starting at 9 am at the Church. This year we are partnering with two other Churches to make decorations, come out and lend a hand!  Please bring your own scissors.   If you can be there please let Jennifer […]

VBS July 23-27th, 2018

Location: Mt. Pleasant EPC Church 846 State Route 18, Raccoon TWP, PA 15001 VBS will last from: July 23rd – 27th, 2018 Each day’s fun begins at: 6:00pm The VBS day ends at: 8:15pm At Shipwrecked VBS, kids learn that Jesus rescues us through life’s storms. Shipwrecked is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, […]

Yard and Bake Sale May 5

There is a Yard and Bake sale in the Church Fellowship Hall this Saturday from 8 am to 1 pm.  Donations of items and baked goods can be dropped off at the church Friday, May 4 from 6:30 pm to 9 pm.  Proceeds will support our Mission Team.

Summer 2018 Schedule

We are now following the Summer Schedule with one worship service at 10 am and  Sunday School  at 9 am.  This schedule  runs through September 2, returning to two worship services on September 9.