Mt. Pleasant Staff

Pastor, Head of Staff

Rev. Dr. Richard Herbster

Phone: 724-495-6362   Email:

Rich has been the pastor of Mt. Pleasant since 2001. He is passionate about teaching, preaching, and serving Christ’s Church (both at Mt. Pleasant and beyond) through those gifts. Particular areas of focus and concern are: Adult education, encouraging strong and healthy marriages, discipleship, and leadership.

Church Administrator, Treasurer

Luann Frasier

phone:  724-495-6462    email:

Luann serves as point person for all church administrative responsibilities.  She is also the church treasurer.  Luann is a wife, mother, and devoted disciple of our Lord Jesus.


Director of Youth Ministry

Laura Given

Laura serves as director for our ministries to youth, grades 5-12.  Laura has served Mt. Pleasant in many ways – as a deacon, elder, Sunday school teacher, director of Kids Club.  We’re thrilled to have her investing her many gifts in leading our youth.


Assistant Director of Youth Ministry

Katie Pierce

Katie is a teacher, wife, and mom who deeply loves the Lord Jesus Christ and is eager to use her gifts in service to the youth of our community.  She assists Laura in all the responsibilities of leading this important ministry.


Director of Children and Family Outreach

Holly Garland

Holly has been a member of Mt Pleasant since 2017. She is a wife and mother to three children who loves her walk with the Lord. Holly serves the church as Kids Club Director, a Children & Worship Leader, Youth Sunday School Teacher, a VBS Bible Teacher, a Youth Group Helper, and is the Toddler Teacher in our childcare ministry. Holly’s passion is connecting with children, youth, and families and helping them grow in Christ.


Praise Team Leader


Buddy Smeltz

Buddy has been a part of Mt. Pleasant since 1993. He has grown up through the ministries of Mt. Pleasant. He has been active for many years through our youth ministry, worship ministry, as an elder, and in many other ways as well (he even did a stint as Jesus in the church drama troupe once upon a time). Buddy is passionate about leading God’s people in worship. He is very excited to see people develop and nurture their spiritual gifts, and is grateful to be used of God in that process.

Music Director

Patricia Lampe

Patricia “Pat” Lampe has been a part of Mt Pleasant since the late 1960’s. Her roles have varied from serving as an Elder to working in the Nursery to teaching Sunday School and Bible School. She shares her musical gifts playing piano and organ for Church, and until recently directed the Adult Choir and played with the Praise Team. She is currently directing the “Kid’s Choir” and loves working with children, seniors, and folks with special needs. Pat also hosts an “Ask A Nurse” Program, the second Wednesday of each month.

Audio Technician


Austin Herman                                                       

Austin is the Lead Audio Technician for Mt Pleasant.  Austin took the lead position in 2022 after years of assisting in this department. He makes sure that our sound system is sounding great and our screens are running smoothly!

Child Care Director

Micki Addison

phone:  724-495-3334

Micki has been a part of the Childcare ministry for many years.  After serving as a Pre-K Teacher and Assistant Director, she took over in January, 2017 as Childcare Director.   She is deeply compassionate and serves our church and community as a deacon.   She loves her work, loves working with children, and is eager to serve in whatever ways the Lord leads.