Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Box

Thank you to all who participated in Operation  Christmas Box.  Between Mt. Pleasant Child Care and congregation, we sent off seventy five boxes this morning.

Choices Volunteer Meeting

This November Choices will be holding a Volunteer Informational Meeting at the Coraopolis location.  This meeting is intended for anyone who is interested in learning more about volunteering at either the Coraopolis or Beaver Valley clinics.  More information about the meeting is below, as well as a link to the Choices website:   Volunteer Informational […]

Veteran’s Day Memorial Service

Join us Saturday, November 11 at 6:30 pm to honor our veterans.  There will be fellowship and light refreshments following the service

What do you think about cremation?

A very common question.  I’m asked quite frequently whether it is OK to cremate.  This is a question of real moment and concern, especially to older people for whom death is (a more consciously imminent) looming reality. People are often quite torn up about this (though many have probably never even considered that it is […]

Little Needs Cupboard

“Take What You Need—Give What You Can” There is now a “Little Needs Cupboard” on the grounds of Mt. Pleasant Church, Rte. 18, Raccoon Twp.  It is located on the left side of the parking lot at the top of the driveway and is open 24 hrs. a day, 7 days a week for everyone […]