Senior Picnic

The Deacons will be hosting the Senior Picnic on August 18 after the second service. This event is for anyone 60 and over. Please sign up in the Narthex if you plan to attend.

Walking with God in the Desert – Adult Sunday School

  Are you going through a difficult period of life? The loss of a loved one? Unemployment? A crisis of faith? During these desert times, it’s easy to think God has disappeared. In Walking with God in the Desert you’ll discover that it’s only when we are totally dependent on him that we find God […]

The Path To The Cross-Adult Sunday School

Beginning on June 16, Led by Jan Garland, The Path to the Cross (Ray Vander Laan). The religious and cultural identity of the Jewish people of Jesus’ day was rooted in the Exodus experience.  Jesus often quoted the Torah and identified himself as the prophet and king promised in it.  Thus the desert experiences on which […]

6th Annual Little Star Sunday

On this special day we want to celebrate your children. They have been practicing really hard to shine like the stars they are. Each age group of the child care center and the Crusaders for Christ will play an important role in the church service on this day. This is the congregation’s way of saying […]

National Day of Prayer

On Thursday, May 2, there will be various prayer stations set up throughout the Mt. Pleasant Church all day.  A special service will be held at 6 pm, followed by a time of fellowship.