Personnel Committee


Personnel Committee Members

Diane Luther- Chair

Rich Herbster – Ex-Officio

Rick Pierce

Sharon Ashcroft

Jody Bologna

Employment Details Page


This Mt. Pleasant Church Personnel Committee was implemented by Session in November, 2008. Our purpose is to provide for the administration of the program of the church, including employment of non-ordained staff, with concern for equal employment opportunity, fair employment practices, personnel policies, and the annual review of the adequacy of compensation for all staff, including all employees.  Book of Order G-10.0102.

Committee Details

Purpose: An orderly, focused and considerate way for session to build a healthy work environment. The committee shall make recommendations to the session of policies, procedures, and practices that anticipate outcomes before they happen. The committee shall provide counsel and support for the staff. The committee is a place where issues can be dealt with before there are any personal situations.

Responsible To: Session Elder / Session

3-Year Terms
Five Persons: One from session, whom shall be appointed chair by the session, three members of the congregation and the Pastor as Ex-Officio. All members are appointed by the session. No one may serve more than two consecutive terms.

The committee shall meet at least quarterly and on the call of the chairperson or pastor. The agenda for each meeting shall be set by the chairperson and the pastor jointly. No meeting will take place without the pastor present, unless the pastor is notified and informed of all agenda.


  • Recommend to session position descriptions for all staff.
  • Review and recommend to session compensation packages for all staff.
  • Recommend to session Personnel policies.
  • Encourage professional growth and development for all staff.
  • Recommend to session ways to manage risk liabilities related to work staff.
  • Implement a plan of equal employment opportunities, developed in consultation with the presbytery and approved by the session.
  • Provide for a review process for all staff to assist in work planning.
  • Act as a support group for the pastor and other members of the staff.
  • Confer with the pastor on any important issues of concern.