Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Box

Thank you to all who participated in Operation  Christmas Box.  Between Mt. Pleasant Child Care and congregation, we sent off seventy five boxes this morning.

November News

November is such a wonderful time of the year at Mt. Pleasant.  We celebrated Harvest week, learned the letter E and in the next few weeks, we will learn about the letter F and G and celebrate Thanksgiving.  Our Thanksgiving Feast will be on Wednesday, November 22nd and we will be playing games, and dressing […]

Child Care Open House

Our Open House is scheduled for Thursday, September 28th from 6:30 – 8:30 pm.  Please join us for information, refreshments, and many other activities.  Our “Ask a Nurse” will be here to take blood pressures and provide health information, you can get your child fingerprinted, there will be a craft table and a book share […]

Child Care Notes

This summer has been so much fun and full of things to do.  The school aged children were able to use their camp again this summer.  It’s always fun to explore the woods.  We had a play in the water day, had Bible School, and the Child Evangelism Fellowship of Beaver County came for a week. […]

March Madness!

This month we are learning about the letters Q, R, S and welcoming Spring!  We celebrated Dr. Suess’ birthday with a party and we have chicks hatching in the office.  Our candy sale ends on March 22nd, so if anyone would like to purchase Rosalind Easter Candy, please check out the brochure in the office. […]