Good News, Bad News

Beginning Down the Path of Discipleship In our last post, we began down the path of discipleship.  Every path has a beginning.  We are going to begin down the path of discipleship at the beginning.  And following Jesus begins with the Good News, the gospel. Good News, Bad News.  Has anyone ever asked you…do you […]

Down the Path on The Way of Discipleship

When you are a kid in a Sunday school class, there are certain things you learn.  Maybe you once sat on a little kid chair in a dingy church basement and stared at a flannelgraph. I did.  I can still almost smell the mold and bask in the warm, moist asbestos-laden environment.  One of the […]

Rock Sunday – September 8

This Sunday, September 8, is our annual Rock Sunday event when we honor and recognize our Sunday School teachers and attendees.  There will be no Sunday School from 9 am to 10 am, but come and join us in the Fellowship Hall for a short program and refreshments.

Make Disciples; Be a Disciple

Sermon Series, Beginning Sept 8, 2019.   First sermon in the series here. Go…Make disciples.  This is Jesus’ final earthly admonition to us in his Great Commission.  We are called to make disciples.  Of course, we are called first to be disciples.  A disciple is a learner, one who follows a rabbi, a teacher.  A disciple […]

Building Addition Complete and Continuing Projects

We rejoice that a multi-year building project has successfully been completed and we have now begun to utilize the amazing resource God has provided for us!  Thanks to the hard work and generosity of many dedicated servants over many years, we have an additional 6,000 square feet to utilize for the service of our Lord […]