In the Wilderness. We call the book “Numbers.” It is that – there are lots of numbers in Numbers. That title tells remarkably little about the content and meaning of the book. The Hebrew Bible names the books after the opening phrases – Genesis is known as “In the beginning.” The Hebrew bible name for […]
Choices Adopt-A-Family Christmas Outreach
Please join us in supporting some Choices client families this holiday season for our: ADOPT-A-FAMILY Christmas Outreach Our goal is to bless some of our clients who could use a little extra encouragement & support this season. We are inviting churches, individuals, Small Groups & Bible study classes to be a part of this special […]
Common Glory, A Sermon Series on 2 Corinthians
In 1992 a farmer named Peter Whatling lost his hammer. What could be more ordinary and disinteresting than a farmer searching the dirt for his lost hammer? Yet in that dirt Whatling discovered a lost treasure – gold jewelry, silvers spoons, 1500 year old coins – the Hoxne Hoard. In an ordinary field was an […]
The End of the World as we Know It
A sermon series There are times when it seems that the foundations of the earth of moved. There is no terra firma; all is adrift. Our civilization feels like it has slipped its moorings; there is no certainty about the future. No financial security, no clarity about how it will all end. Chaos, anarchy, statism, […]