Prayers God Answers: Prayers Prayed in Faith

Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. (Mk. 11: 24 ESV) An essential ingredient is an ingredient that you can’t do without.  If you want to bake a cake, there are some ingredients you just have to use (I’m told – what […]

New Member Class

Interested in joining Mt. Pleasant or learning more about us?  Consider attending the New Member class being offered on Thursday, April 27, 2017 from 6:30 to 9 pm.  The class will be led by Pastor Rich Herbster and the Elders.  If you are interested in participating in this class, sign up forms are in the […]

Communicycle is coming to Mt. Pleasant!

The Communicycle Outreach Ministry parts trailer from Aliquippa will be set up in the Mt. Pleasant Church lot on Tuesday, April 18 from 6:30-8:00 pm.  The Jr./Sr. High Youth Group will be learning how to repair and tear down bicycles.  If you know of a child that needs their bike tuned up or repaired, please […]

Prayers God Answers: Prayers Prayed According to the Will of God

We’ve been considering the necessary ingredients for prayers God answers.  We considered in our last post the essential ingredient of relationship: God answers the prayers of his children.  We turn now to a second essential ingredient: Praying according to the will of God. Let’s begin with Jesus (you can always do worse than begin with […]

Prayers God Answers: The Prayers of His Children

In our last post we took up the difficult problem of Unanswered Prayer.  Why didn’t God answer my prayer?  We began first to look at some essential ingredients to the kinds of prayers God answers.  One of those essential ingredients is that God answers the prayers of his children. Most people would assume, “That’s no […]