Westminster Shorter Catechism Sunday School Class

Join us for Adult Sunday School Class.  One of our classes is entitled “Knowing the Faith:  The Westminster Shorter Catechism.” We are blessed in the Presbyterian tradition to have the Reformed Faith summarized for us in the Biblically-saturated words of the Westminster Standards – the Confession, Larger, and Shorter Catechisms.  But, these wonderful resources do little […]

Books that Didn’t Make the Cut: The Gnostic Gospels

Jesus didn’t really die on the cross.  He married Mary Magdalene, moved to France, and had several children.  All that claptrap about his identity as God’s incarnate Son, his sacrificial death and resurrection from the dead?  All propaganda foisted upon you by a deceptive church.  The real truth is to be found in the writings […]

Rock Sunday 2017

Rock Sunday will be held on Sunday, September 10. Worship services will be at the usual times (8:30 am and 11 am).  During Sunday School hour (10 am to 11 am), there will be fellowship time.  After the second service, plan to stay for a potluck lunch.  Fried Chicken will be provided and you are welcome to bring […]

Deliver Us From Evil

The seventh and final petition of the Lord’s Prayer (and the original concluding words of the prayer) are “but deliver us from evil.”  This petition stands in parallel to the preceding petition, “lead us not into temptation.”  Each helps interpret the other.  We are to live lives of continual vigilance, recognizing the ongoing danger of […]

Lead us Not Into Temptation

“Why does Jesus teach us to pray, ‘lead us not into temptation’?  God wouldn’t lead us into temptation anyway would he?  Isn’t it Satan who tempts us?”  This conundrum was posed me in a recent Sunday school class. It’s a great question, especially given the biblical context of a text like James 1:13-15: 13 When […]