Congregational Meeting

This year’s meeting is scheduled for February 24 after the 11 am service. Junior High Youth Group is sponsoring a Spaghetti Luncheon following the meeting. Please plan to attend!

Crusaders-Ages 4 to 4th Grade

There will not be a meeting on March 28th in observance of Maundy Thursday.  Closing night will be April 4th with the usual weiner roast and sundae party.  Any questions call Laura Given aka Amazon at 724.495.3481.

Church Leaders and Committee Heads

Your year end reports are due now! Please email them to [email protected].

MP Session areas of responsibilities for 2013

The session at Mt. Pleasant is currently establishing goals and objectives for the upcoming year. Here is a list of areas of Responsibility for 2013 at Mt. Pleasant EPC. If you have any suggestions or interests, please contact the appropriate elder as listed below. A. Clerk of Session – B. Administration – Craig Lahtinen. [email protected] […]

Crusaders Starting January 31

The start up date for Crusaders, an after school program for kids from age 4 to 4th grade, will be January 31 at 4:45pm. Adult volunteers are still needed. If you want to help and want more information please contact Laura Given aka AMAZON at 724.495.3481