Ask A Nurse

Ask A Nurse is held the second Wednesday of every month between 10am and 12pm by one of our congregation’s many nurses. At our Ask a Nurse events, we can check blood pressures, train on use of certain medical equipment, organize your medical information, and offer resources for whatever your needs are. We also have […]

Lydia’s Stitchin’ Sisters

If you like to sew, quilt, crochet or knit, you may want to join Lydia’s Stitchin’ Sisters! We meet the first and third Thursdays of the month from noon till 5pm in The Gathering Room. Come any time you can! We are currently making lap quilts for our shut-ins. Our goals for this year are […]

Seven: I AM. A Sermon Series beginning 2-12-23

Some of the best known teachings of Jesus are found in the gospel of John.  These include the seven “I AM” statements.  Bread of Life, Light of the World, Door, Good Shepherd, Resurrection and Life, Way Truth and Life, the True Vine.  Each of these statements are profoundly revealing in their own way, and all […]

The Prophet, A Sermon Series on the Prophet Isaiah

The Prophet.  The prophet Isaiah is the most important of all the writing prophets.  He is quoted more often than any of them (and, indeed, more than any OT book other than the Psalms). He calls God’s people to faithfulness in the midst of a time of increasing unbelief and rebellion.  He holds forth both […]

When I Consider… A Sermon Series Exploring the Reasonability of our Faith

David reflects in Psalm 8:3-4, “When I consider the works of your hands, the moon and stars that you have set in place, what is man that you are mindful of him?”  No doubt David considered these kinds of things while he whiled away the hours on a hillside outside of Bethlehem tending his father’s […]