One teaspoon of botulinum toxin is enough to kill more than 1 billion human beings (or so the Internet tells me; I’ve never experimented). Some ants can lift as much as 5,000 times their body weight. Small doesn’t mean weak. More of something isn’t always better than less. This is true of prayer. It is […]
Teach Us to Pray: Small But Powerful
April 20, 2016 By Rich Herbster
Filed Under: Bulletin Board, Rich's Blog Tagged With: Lord's Prayer, Our Father, Prayer, Short Prayer, Simple Prayer
Lord, Teach Me To Pray!
April 13, 2016 By Rich Herbster

I feel altogether inadequate in my prayer life. I’m a crummy pray-er. I’m highly distractible in prayer (despite being an intensely focused person generally). I’m inconsistent in prayer. I tell people I’ll pray for them, then forget to do so. I fall asleep praying. I start praying, then realize I’m thinking about the Steelers depth […]
Filed Under: Bulletin Board, Rich's Blog Tagged With: discipline, Inadequacy in Prayer, Lord's Prayer, Prayer, prayer life
Brian Williams, Mark Driscoll, and the Discipline of Forgiveness
February 12, 2015 By Rich Herbster

The Christian faith has at its core the forgiveness of sin. We are all sinners against a holy God, who by his great grace and compassion to unworthy sinners provides forgiveness of sins through the atoning work of Jesus Christ. We have all sinned and we all deserve God’s wrath and condemnation, but we receive […]
Filed Under: Rich's Blog Tagged With: Brian Williams, compassion, Forgiveness, grace, Lord's Prayer, Mark Discoll, mercy