Archives for January 2020

Let the Children Go From Me?

We see a glimpse of the assembled saints in glory in Revelation 7, and they are remarkable for their diversity – those of every race, tribe, people, and nation gathered before the Lamb of God – offering him praise and honor and glory.  The gospel is for all people: rich and poor, black and white, […]

Adult Sunday School Offering: I Don’t Have Enough Faith to be an Atheist

Faith is a big deal to us as Christians.  We believe certain truths.  But the term “faith” is often wrongly used against Christians as if to imply that we are somehow embracing faith contrary to reason.  Christians are seen as a bunch of dumb rubes who believe all sorts of nonsensical myths that no modern […]

It’s a New Year!

We, the Mt. Pleasant staff, hope you all had wonderful Christmas and New Year celebrations!  We thank you for your thoughtful gifts.  As always, your generosity is unbelievable.  The party for Jesus’ birthday was so much fun.  We have some pictures to share with you.  Some of the children dressed in costume and posed in […]