Exodus: Out of Egypt

The Book of Exodus is far more than fodder for Hollywood Motion Pictures (though it has clearly been that – from Charlton Heston and Yul Brynner to today’s Christian Bale version).  It is the pivotal Old Testament narrative of God’s gracious redemption of his people from bondage.  As such, it powerfully foreshadows the much greater […]


This month has begun with great weather so that all the children are getting to go outside almost every day.  Please remember to label your child’s coat.  We have so many coats left each week, we cannot keep them forever, so if there is a name in them, we can find it’s owner.  Every few weeks, […]

Silent Auction – added to Cook-Off Fundraiser

Attention Mt. Pleasant Family!  There will be a Silent Art Auction held during the Soup Cook-Off fundraiser on November 9.  Any of you creative people can donate a two dimensional or three dimentional work of art.  This can be a painting, drawing, or a print.  It can be a sculpture or even something hand knitted or […]

New Member Class – November 1

Interested in joining Mt. Pleasant or learning more about us?  Consider joining the New Member class, which is being offered on Saturday, November 1, 2014 from 9:00 am – 12 pm.  The class will be led by Pastor Rich Herbster and the Elders.  You can sign up in the church office.  

Yard and Bake Sale, October 11

On Saturday, October 11, 2014, from 8:30am to 1 pm,  the Junior High Youth Group will be holding their semi-annual Yard and Bake Sale to assist in defraying the costs for their mission trip and service projects.  While all other donations are welcome, we can no longer accept televisions, computers, or computer accessories, encyclopedias or Christmas lights, these items are no longer accepted […]