Building Addition Complete and Continuing Projects

We rejoice that a multi-year building project has successfully been completed and we have now begun to utilize the amazing resource God has provided for us!  Thanks to the hard work and generosity of many dedicated servants over many years, we have an additional 6,000 square feet to utilize for the service of our Lord […]

VBS July 22-26, 2019

VBS – Summer’s Mane Event! At Roar VBS, kids discover when life is wild, God is good! Roar is filled with incredible Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, touch, and even taste! Sciency-Fun Gizmos™, team-building games, cool Bible songs, and tasty treats are just a few of the standout activities that help faith flow into real […]

2019 Little Star Sunday

Join us on Sunday, May 5, 2019 for our Annual Little Star Sunday.  On this special day we celebrate your children. They have been practicing really hard to shine like the stars they are. Each age group of the child care center will play an important role in the church service on this day. This […]

It’s Unscientific to be Atheistic

Are science and religion enemies?  Many scientists obviously believe so.  Richard Dawkins, one of the famed “new atheists” views belief in God as a delusion (that’s right – you aren’t just wrong or old-fashioned to believe in God, you are deluded!).  It makes no more sense to believe in God than it does to believe […]

Why Are Our Youth and Young Adults in a Mental Health Crisis?

In a recent article posted at the Institute for Family Studies, Jean Twenge, a psychology professor form San Diego State University, outlines an extremely troubling crisis: the mental health of our youth and young adults. Despite skepticism from many researchers, Twenge demonstrates convincingly (citing scores of studies) the skyrocketing rates of several mental health concerns.  […]