A Contradiction in Scripture?

I was just asked a great question. I love to get questions of biblical interpretation from one of God’s people who are thoughtfully wrestling with the Word of God. This one raises an interesting problem for us as evangelical Christians. The text is Proverbs 26:4-5. I’ve included the text in two translations – first the […]

Happy Halloween and Happy Reformation Day!

Some Christian folks lose their minds around Halloween. Some are so freaked out by the evils of the occult out in full force that they lock their doors and turn out their lights, huddling in fear lest they be assaulted by…what exactly? A couple dozen children hoping for some chocolate? Or maybe instead of giving […]

Catastrophic Societal Problem: Moms Who Want to Stay Home!

As we near Mother’s Day, I’ve been stewing on an article that annoyed me, “Why Women Are Leaving the Workforce.”  The author (Liz Peek) cites evidence of women quitting their jobs in order to stay home with children.  This isn’t just a phenomenon of women working for minimum wage for whom childcare is unaffordable; it […]

Silent Holocaust and Moral Cowardice

When we want to describe an event morally we have a certain spectrum to which we refer: at one end of that spectrum stands a so-called little white lie (to cover for a surprise party, say) and at the other end stands the horror of the Holocaust (Nazis, Hitler, Aushwitz, Bergen-Belsen, Dr. Joseph Mengele).  In […]

The Myth of Science v. Faith, Part 2

Another reason for the perpetuation of the myth that faith and science are somehow at odds relates to the interpretation of the Bible.  This is problem for both science and the church.  It could be boiled down to this: the Bible is misinterpreted to be asserting scientific truth when that is not its intent. One […]