The Line Between Good and Evil

It is easy to assume that the problems and evils of the world are the result of a few bad eggs “out there” who keep gumming things up for the rest of us.  Most of us are “good people” who don’t “hurt anybody.”  There are those people though.  They are the ones who ruin things […]

Like a kid at Christmas

“Like a kid at Christmas….”  We can relate to that picture, can’t we?  The unbridled joy and excitement of presents piled deep and high, stockings brimming over with unopened goodies?  The time free from school and normal cares for extra doses of food, candy, and cookies?  The family gatherings, the decorating, and the worship (I […]

Celebrating Christmas: A Satanic Distraction?

I was just emailing with one of our members.  We were thinking about how to keep God the central focus of worship (odd that that even needs to be considered, isn’t it?).  She said something that got me thinking. It’s just like, Christmas.  You do all this planning, eating, shopping, decorating, wrapping, traditions, advent calendars, […]

The Consistent Core: The Gift of the Holy Spirit

What makes a church any different from any club or group of like-minded people – is a community of faith any different than a gathering of the PTA, Rotary Club, Book of the Month Club, a Star Trek convention?  Aren’t these all just assemblies of folks who happen to share the desire to connect around […]

The Consistent Core: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ

There was once a seminary class in which the seminarians were asked about the resurrection of Jesus Christ. What if you know that Jesus was really not raised bodily from the dead – would it negatively impact your faith?  No, they all said. We are mature enough in our faith that even if we knew […]