December Child Care News

This year is coming to an end so very quickly, and we have had so much fun already.  We were very dissapointed that we had to cancel the field trips to the nursing homes last month, but we had so many children with a stomach virus, that we didn’t want to share that with the […]

November Child Care Events

Are you ready for some cooler weather? We will still be going outside to play when we can, so be sure to dress you child appropriatly.   Please be sure to label the coats, because that will ensure they get placed on the correct child. We are planning some fun events this month.  We are trying […]

October Happenings

We are having so much fun already this year, and we would like to keep you up to date on all the activities we have planned. We will be having our annual Chestnut Candle fundraiser this month. Be sure to look out for the order forms.  On October 2nd and 3rd we will be hosting […]

It’s Summer!

We have had a fun filled summer so far, full of so many activities.  Following our Pre K graduation, we learned about insects, had breakfast with Dad, learned about construction and zoo animals, and had a bicycle parade to celebrate Independence day.  We went on a field trip to the movies and to McDonald’s and […]

Spring at the Child Care!

We are so excited to see the weather getting warmer! We love going outside to play, so please keep that in mind when choosing your child’s clothing. We sometimes get a little dirty. There are so many things happening in the next few months so please check your newsletters and the announcements at the front […]