Translation of What? Jots and Tittles

The Old Testament was originally written in Hebrew (with a few chapters being written in Aramaic – a cognate language, like Italian to Spanish). But of course we don’t have the scroll upon which Baruch the scribe first wrote down Jeremiah’s words. That document long ago would have crumbled to dust. What we have for […]

Why it is Wrong for you to be King James Only

This is an insane article to write. It is almost like I’m trying to pick a fight with many members of my own tribe. But one of the benefits of having three older brothers is that you learn not to fear a fight. I’m going to offend many for whom the King James Version is […]

What is the best Bible translation?

This is a common question. If I’ve been asked it once, I’ve been asked it a thousand times. A hundred years ago it wouldn’t have been much of a question. The King James Version was then about three hundred years old and held absolute sway in the English speaking world. That ship has sailed, however. […]

Communication is Key

Studies have shown that if you have 4-6 pre-marital counseling sessions prior to marriage, you are 50% less likely to ultimately divorce. This is a remarkable statistic. Especially when you consider that those pre-marital sessions are conducted by someone like me. Why is pre-marital counseling so important and helpful in laying the groundwork for marital […]

Is It Possible to Understand the Bible?

In my last post I took up the topic of interpretation. We considered the interpretive philosophy of Supreme Court justices as they interpret the US Constitution. Let’s now turn our attention to what is ultimately a more significant task: interpreting the Bible. The Bible is a big book, made up of 66 smaller books, written […]